Sony has been sued by consumer advocates in Britain over PlayStation Store prices that are too high. If successful, more than 660 euros per person await you. The total amount of the claim for damages amounts to 5.92 billion euros.
PlayStation Store price: Sony’s store is too expensive
On August 19, UK consumer protection organization Competition Appeal Tribunal filed a class action lawsuit against Sony. The reason is PlayStation Store prices. Thus, the organization believes that the costs of digital games and expansions are clearly too high and that buyers are at a disadvantage compared to commercial versions, i.e. physical data carriers.
The damage was also caused by Sony retaining a 30% commission on all PlayStation Store sales, which the consumer protection organization considers illegal. In total, approximately nine million customers would have been “snatch” for Sony in this way, as reported by Sky News and The Independent, among others.
The commission, they say, has forced game developers and publishers to charge higher prices for their games and add-ons. Attorney Alex Neill said she wants the class action to defend all customers who have overpaid for their games.
“We believe Sony took advantage of its position and ripped off customers,” Neill is quoted as saying on Sky News.
Total amount of approximately 6 billion euros
All purchases made from the PlayStation Store since August 19, 2016 are at issue, with the Competition Appeal Tribunal saying anyone who has purchased digital content since then is entitled to damages ranging from £67 (around £80 euros) to £562 (about 665 euros). , plus interest.
The total amount of the claim is approximately £5 billion, which equates to just under €5.92 billion.
Why Sony of all companies is being sued (and apparently only Sony at this time) and not Microsoft, Nintendo, Valve or other manufacturers that offer a similar model and similar commission rate for their digital stores is not light.
However, it is a fact that one and the same game is often significantly more expensive on the PlayStation Store than as a physical copy in store. The action game The Last of Us Part II for PlayStation 4 costs 39.99 euros on the PlayStation Store – the lowest price in stores is currently 14.99 euros.